Sunday, July 31, 2011

Interview Question: "So, Tell Me About Yourself"

Invariably, an interview starts out with the seemingly innocuous question, "So, tell me about yourself."  This is the opening gauntlet question. 

You want to make sure you give the interviewer a powerful response to this, because it somewhat sets the tone for further questions.  This is also, unfortunately, where I find a lot of people trip-wire into revealing information that can be unnecessary and potentially damaging.  Let's unpack this:

"Breaking The Ice"

What the interviewer is looking for is to get you relaxed and talking.  It's based on the premise that you're the subject matter expert in YOU, so it's a technique to get you, as the interviewee, comfortable with opening up and talking.  Far too many times, though, I experience interviewees who are still unprepared for this opening question.  They're not sure what they should talk about.  If this has happened to you, I assure you that you're not alone.

The interviewer wants to have you do a quick (5 minute max) summary of your education, work history, skills, and work-related interests.  This is not the time to talk about your marriage, your kids, where you go to church, your personal interests (like hunting, playing Scrabble, or wine tasting).  All of that is nice, but it really broaches on conversation that shouldn't be included in interviews (primarily because they aren't relevant to the position and therefore, can lead to discrimination).

A Reader's Digest Summary

Be prepared, as you're giving your quick "overview of yourself" that the interviewer may ask questions as you're going through this.  That's great!  The interviewer may want to understand, for example, why you chose, after you finished high school, to go on to college to get your Associate's degree or your Bachelor's degree.  Or, he may want to know what drove your decision to leave a particular company for the next job opportunity.

This is a time to be brief, but give the interviewer what I call a "Reader's Digest" version of your background, skills and experience.  A quick example:

"I earned my Associate's Degree in business from XYZ University and started my career with EFG Company as a Customer Service Representative.  After 2 years there, they promoted me to Customer Service Manager, where I oversaw 4 direct employees and handled company quality complaints.  I spent a total of 5 years at EFG, and then was recruited to take an opportunity with ABC company as a Business Development Manager, developing my background in sales and marketing for outside sales for ABC.  I was caught up in a massive layoff after 4 years there, and I'm currently seeking this opportunity to apply my experience in customer service and business development for your firm." 

Give 'Em an Outline

Notice, in this example, I didn't go into too much depth, but skimmed the surface about education, work history and reason for talking with the interviewer today.  This "sets the stage" for the interviewer to go back and delve into more details (if he wants).  Or, hopefully, it may have succinctly answered his initial question of why you left your former employers and now the interviewer wants to go through some behavior-based questions (check out my previous blog on Behavior-Based Questions). 

Summary:  Tell the interviewer about your education, your work history, your particular skills and why you're looking to work for his company.  Avoid taking the conversation into the weeds by talking about your golf game and such.

Kathleen Lapekas - PHR
Action HR Consulting
For Personal Attention to Personnel Matters....

Friday, July 29, 2011

How to Handle the "Strengths and Weaknesses" Question...

Deer In The Headlights?

The one question that usually bothers most people when being interviewed is, "What are your strengths and weaknesses?"  Although I've chosen to strike this one from my professional repertoire of interview questions, I understand that this is still commonly asked.  So, let's unpack what's going on with this question.  The truth is, that we all have strengths and we all have weaknesses.  So, don't go in unprepared and have a blank look on your face as you answer, "I can't think of any." 

Come Prepared

Let's go on the assumption that when an interviewer asks this question, it may be in order to have the candidate consider what he may feel he can bring to the table, and what areas he has been told may need some work.  Cite an example (just one) to support your answers on both the strengths / weaknesses.


The best advice I can give you is to pick one worthy strength that may be poignant for the position.  Some examples may be:
  • "I have been told that I exercise extreme attention to detail.  I don't tolerate poor workmanship.  An example of this would be...."
  • "I am a stickler for hitting my targets.  Even if I have to work later that expected, I won't let my team down by not pulling through.  An example that comes to mind is when....."
  • "I am passionate about the work that I do.  It's because I realize how much I'm affecting others with the type of work we do at XYZ company.  Just the other day, when a customer came in, I showed this passion when I...."
  • One last noteAvoid using the "I'm a perfectionist" as a strength.  For two reasons: 
    • It's waaaayyyyy over-used.  
    • And perfectionists are generally prone to procrastination....the perfection they seek overwhelms them to the point that they can't ever finish a project until it's absolutely perfect, and they can never get it good enough, so they put it off....


I generally advise people on this to be very careful not to shoot themselves in the foot.  Be honest, but don't hurt yourself by giving your worst weakness.  The interviewer didn't ask about your worst weakness -- He asked what is a weakness of your's.  Go with one that will not be a deal-breaker. 

Some examples may be:
  • "I find that I tend to get frustrated when other people drop the ball.  An example of this...."
  • "I sometimes over-communicate when it's not necessary.  I have a tendency to be very thorough, and I want to make sure people are clear with expectations, but sometimes, I can get too detailed.  For example..."
  • "Sometimes, when I'm in the middle of a project, I'm working 10 steps ahead of everyone else.  I'm sometimes obsessed when it comes to planning and thinking through all the contingencies or possibilities, and I sometimes find myself working ahead of the group.  An example that comes to mind is...."  
Always Have a Solution:

 I would also strongly advise you include how you've overcome or "mitigated" that weakness you've identified (if you have).  Let me give you an example that I learned about myself. 

I'm from a small mid-western, sleepy town (population 4000) in Michigan.  As a mid-western kid, I was raised fairly sheltered, and was raised basically trusting that people I meet along the way are fairly forthright, honest and truthful.  Side note:  Honesty and truthfulness are not the same, although they're commonly used synonymously.  Honesty is not stealing.  Truthfulness is telling the truth.   

So, as an HR Manager, when I interview people, I basically take what people tell me as forthright, honest and truthful.  That's how I was raised, and you won't be able to change that in me.  But, it's a little bit of a liability (or perhaps a better word is, a "blindspot") that I have when I'm interviewing people.

I'm not gullible, but I generally will give a person the benefit of the doubt when they tell me something.  If they prove me wrong, and had actually lied to me, I'm usually forgiving, but extremely slow to trust them again. 

Recognizing this "weakness" that I take people at face-value most of the time, I've found that I've best overcome this by having other people involved in the interview process.  It gives me other people with which I can bounce off feedback and calibrate the "read" on a person.  That's been my solution to ensuring that I won't mis-read a candidate.  I get by with a little help from my friends....

Summary:  Be truthful, but be smart about your answers.  Give strengths that may be used as a benefit to the company.  Give weaknesses that don't hurt you, but you can show how you've been able to overcome them.  Cite examples of both. 

Kathleen Lapekas - PHR
Action HR Consulting
For Personal Attention to Personnel Matters....

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Handling the Face-to-Face Interview

Congratulations!  You've made it through the gauntlet so far.  You're now invited to come in for a face-to-face interview! 

This is the moment you should look forward to! 

You get the chance to meet your future team.  Naturally, you're nervous, but not scared because you think, "I'll just be me, and if they don't like me, then it's their loss."  Good thinking.  But you also think, "I really hope that they DO like me."

Interviews are a part of the process that we all wish we could skip.  But, I'll give you a little inside scoop on how to muscle your way through an interview.

"Over-Preparation" is essential! 
  • In preparing for an interview (as the applicant) I would always sit down and prepare a list of all sorts of questions that the hardest interviewer would ask (of course, I have the advantage of reasonably predicting what sorts of questions will be asked because I know what ones I would ask!) 
  • Then I'd map out my answers to each of the questions (including those dreadful, "What are your strengths and weaknesses?" questions...) 
  • And then, of course, I would come up with specific examples that support my answers. 
This, by the way, is an excellent technique, because it allows you to already have the answers, and you're not completely talking off the cuff (and rambling on and on unnecessarily).  You're prepared!

The Hot Seat

As an applicant, when you're sitting down in the "hot seat" across the desk, you're stomach has butterflies swarming around in there.  Try to realize that the interviewer is just trying to get a chance to "read" you to see if he likes you and feels comfortable with you. 


  • Be yourself -- a professional-version of yourself.  Smile - I've covered this before, but because it's so important, it needs to be mentioned again. 
Ask For Clarification
  • If you don't understand the question, or what the interviewer is really asking, then ask for clarification.  Nothing is worse than spending precious time answering a question that was never asked, and not answering the question that was asked.  Plus, (bonus points) the interviewer will realize that you are attentive to the details, and (as a good communicator) you check for understanding before proceeding.
Answer The Question - Then Stop
  • Answer the question succinctly and then stop.  Don't ramble on.  Even if the interviewer is taking notes, let a breath out and stop yourself from talking and talking and talking.  Note:  If the interviewer has to interrupt you to move on to the next question, then take the hint and be more succinct on the next question.
Don't Bring Your Portfolio
  • Unless you're applying for an artist-type position, don't bring your portfolio of past work in with you on an interview.  I know this sounds strange, and perhaps counter-intuitive...But, I've seen this happen too many times where someone will bring in a binder with all of their certificates, drawings/schematics, pictures of their works, etc.  To tell the truth, the interviewer is not really interested in seeing these things.  You've already proven you're qualified (afterall, you navigated through the resume screening and the phone interview!)  This is a personality/chemistry fit now.  Don't be fooled into thinking it's entirely about your credentials -- although it is the platform by which you and the Company talk in an interview, it's REALLY about assessing how comfortably you would fit in with the team.   
Have Questions to Ask
  • Ask questionsRemember, this is just as much your interview as it is their's.  You are also interviewing them for a good fit to you and your needs.  You want to know that these are the type of people you want to work with and spend time with.  So, ask good, thoughtful questions that show the interviewer that you truly want to understand what's expected and how to be successful at this company.  Also, it may be (depending on the climate) appropriate to talk about wages (hopefully it's initiated by the interviewer); certainly it should be acceptable at this point, however, to inquire about benefits, work schedules, overtime requirements, timing for filling the position, etc.  

Ask About Next Steps...
  • Last step, thank the interviewer for the opportunity to interview with the Company.  Inquire how soon will the decision be made, and what are the next steps (if they were interested in moving forward with you).  This helps to manage your expectations, and shows that you are interested.  Follow-up with a thank you email or a handwritten thankyou note to everyone with whom you met. 

Kathleen Lapekas - PHR
Action HR Consultant
For Personal Attention to Personnel Matters....

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Behavior-Based Interviews

The New Style Of Interview Questions

If you're like me, you probably dread those awful interview questions that ask, "So, where do you see yourself in 5-10 years?" or, "What would you say are your strengths and weaknesses?"  These questions are absurd!  They tell the interviewer very little, other than perhaps, what the candidate thinks of himself. 

The good news is that interviewers are waking up and changing their approach.  Out with the old with a new style.  It's called, "Behavioral Interviewing" or "Behavior-Based Interviewing."  It sounds scientific, but really it's not. 

The Theory of Behavioral Interviewing

The theory behind "Behavioral Interviewing" is that:  The past is the BEST predictor of future behaviorSo, if we're trying to predict how a candidate will perform in OUR company, then we'd be smart to ask him questions that may reveal how he behaved in his past employment.  The principle is pretty sound, really, and a lot of employers now are using this style to get better "predictability" of culture-fit. 

As an example, if I were interested in find out how a candidate handled himself when faced with a difficult co-worker (because, of course, when working with other people, it's certain that conflicts will arise) I may ask: 
  • "Joe, can you tell me about a time when you didn't get along with a co-worker? 
  • What was the sticking point between you two? 
  • How did you handle it? 
  • What was the outcome? 
  • What did you learn?" 
There are numerous examples of other behavior-based questions, and far too many to list in this blog.  I suggest going to "Google" and typing in "Behavior-based Interviewing" for additional examples. 

Sadly, you still should prepare yourself for those awful standard interview questions, just in case your interviewer hasn't learned about Behavioral-Interviewing yet.

Kathleen Lapekas - PHR
Action HR Consultant
For Personal Attention to Personnel Matters....

Dressing For The Interview

It Starts With Appearance

It's a widely-known fact that chemistry initially starts with attraction.  Let this be a big clue to you.  Understand that your physical appearance communicates a lot about you, whether you're aware of it or not.  So, with that, keep in mind the following:

Posture:  Sit straight, lean forward slightly, and shoulders back.  This communicates both confidence and engagement.  I once had a candidate interviewing for manager position who slunked down in the seat in front of me, leaned back, almost in a reclining position, and looked way too relaxed for the occasion.  That candidate didn't get passed along to anyone else, nor did he get the offer.  You need to have high energy, and it starts with posture.

Eye Contact:  Maintain eye contact with the person as you're engaging in conversation with them.  Not as in a "stare-down, creepy" sort of level (that will not get you the job!); but as in a socially-appropriate degree of "complete and undivided attention" sort of level. 

Smile:  A candidate that smiles is perceived as more engaging, more trustworthy, and more earnest.  If a candidate doesn't smile, it's a major turn-off.  It won't get you the job.  Remember, this is about chemistry (how a person feels when they talk with you).  Make sure you don't have anything in between your teeth.  Take a quick second and check this in the mirror before you walk it.  Otherwise, it's a major distraction (that no one will tell you about) and you'll be referred to as:  "The candidate that had broccoli in his teeth.

Dress:  Ask ahead of time what appropriate attire should be worn for the interview.  For example, in some environments, a suit and tie would be absurd and quite ill-fitting.  It may be appropriate to dress business-like, but not formal-business like.  A lot of that is predicated on the environment.  So ask.  

Some Helpful Suggestions

Without exception, the following should be considered:

  • A good rule of thumb is to dress slightly nicer than the environment.  This is a formal introduction.  Don't be too casual, like wearing jeans, even if in the environment, they are all wearing jeans.  Bump it up a notch to make a good impression.  
  • No visible tattoos.  No nose-rings, no tongue rings.  Men should not wear earrings in a face-to-face interview.  No gum or mints in the mouth either.      
  • If you're a smoker, make sure you wear clothing that does not smell like smoke (non-smokers can smell cigarette smoke a mile away, and it can be an unconscious turn-off). 
  • If it's a little less formal of an environment, dress slacks, a button-down and a tie may be all you need.  Leave the jacket in the car.  Or it may be that the environment is much more casual, whereby dress slacks and a nice polo shirt (without logos) might be appropriate.  Best bet is to ask.    Consider wearing khakis in lieu of dress pants, but never jeans
  • Wear dark socks (never white socks) with dress shoes (not sandals). 
  • Remove jewelry, other than a wedding-band if you wish. 
  • Refrain from using cologne.  
  • Hair should be kept neat, trimmed and appropriate length for the type of position. 
  • Make sure you're clean-shaven (without little pieces of toilet paper stuck to your neck and face because you cut yourself shaving).         
  • Again, ask ahead of time what attire should be appropriate for the interview.  My best recommendation, however, is to dress conservatively.  Avoid wearing garments that show cleavage or are too tight fitting. 
  • Avoid high heels (especially because you may be meeting people who feel shorter than you already!). 
  • Avoid flashy or excessive jewelry (leave the large loop-earrings at home).  Conservative is the key word....
  • Avoid excessive make-up, and don't wear perfume (which can be overwhelming, and sometimes unpleasant for the interviewer). 
  • Hair should be natural-looking (no wild colors or unnatural looking). 
  • You should look tidy and professional -- like you're preparing to have your picture taken for the company newsletter.  This is not the place to look sexy!  (This is a job interview...looking sexy communicates the wrong message).

I realize that this is a lot to consider.  I'm just giving you my friendly advice, because I've seen so many people over the years that completely blew it because they didn't think ahead of time about these things.  And isn't it hard enough as it is to think and say the right things in an interview? 

Kathleen Lapekas - PHR
Action HR Consultant
For Personal Attention to Personnel Matters...

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Face-to-Face Interviews - Preparation is the Key

The Moment Of Truth!

Ok, job seekers, this is the moment of truth.  This is your time to shine, and give your very best.  The prospective employer has personally identified you as a prospective employee, and wants to meet you now.  This is like being directed down the aisle toward the wedding party.  The question is, will you walk away as the bride or the bridesmaid?  Well, it all depends on how you do.  No pressure....

Let's Celebrate A Little...

But, let's celebrate what you've accomplished so far. 
1.  You've done your networking.  In networking, it's not who you know, it's who knows you.
2.  Your resume made an impression to get you in.  You got in the top 4 or 5 of possibilities.
3.  You've survived the phone interview.  The interviewer loved your energy, your background and skills, and your questions.  You rock! 
4.  Now, you're being invited to come on-site to meet the team face-to-face. 

So far, you're hitting on all cylinders.  But, beware, it's not over yet.  In fact, this is one of the biggest hurdles you'll have. 

It's a Chemistry-Fit Assessment

Face-to-face interviews are primarily a chemistry-fit assessment.  You apparently have the technical skills, and your background meets or exceeds the minimum requirements.  A face-to-face interview tells the rest of the story.  Remember as I've stated before, Everything Communicates Something.  EVERYTHING.  You can "lose points" if you are oblivious to this.  The interviewer is making a potentially long-term decision (almost like a marriage) based on this chemistry.  Don't blow it. 

For the purpose of this segment, I'm going to concentrate on preparation for the big day. 

If you haven't done so already, you should definitely research everything you can about the company and about the position.  Don't walk in to the company without a very clear picture of what they do, how strong their business is, who their customers are, so forth.  It doesn't matter if this is for a professional-level position or for an unskilled laborer position.  Know they company you're applying for.  It will impress them, especially if you don't have physical notes in front of you and you can talk from the top of your head about what you have learned about the company.

Have Extra Resumes: 
Print off several extra copies of resumes and take them with you.  I've found that in many interviews, the interviewer may not have a copy, or may not be able to find his copy, and it shows that the candidate is prepared.  I've even seen where managers test the candidates on their preparedness by asking them for an extra copy of their resume (even though they have one already readily available).

Have Questions to Ask: 
The one thing that will kill an interview is if you don't have any questions at the end.  I've talked about this on my last blog regarding phone interviews.  Also, ask different questions from different people (assuming you're meeting with multiple people throughout the day).  Trust me, in their debrief about you, they will compare notes.

Dress the Part: 
I will handle this in more depth on my next blog.  But, in short, find out ahead of time what the appropriate attire is for an interview.  Don't leave it to chance.  You could come in waaaaaay overdressed, and be ill-fitting there.  Or, worse yet, you could come in waaaaay under-dressed and be whispered about afterward.  Know the attire / dress code expectations by asking the person who's setting up the interview for you.

Be Prepared to Fill Out an Application:  
Take your past employers' names, addresses, phone numbers, emails, etc., with you in anticipation that you'll be having to provide this for an application.  Don't be in a position to have to ask for a phone book.  Have names and contact numbers of professional references as well.

Arrive 10-15 Minutes Early: 
Show you're ready to start right away.  Don't cut it close.  EVERYTHING COMMUNICATES SOMETHING!

Offer a firm, confident handshake.  Guys, this message is primarily to you...women resent having a "cold-fish," limp or weak handshake when they're going into a business exchange.  Women, don't be delicate and weak when you're offering your handshake.  Get a firm grip.  If you have to, practice with someone and have them offer their opinion.  But, a handshake is the first physical contact you make, and it communicates sooooooooo much!

Be very polite and endearing to the receptionist.  This is your first point of contact with the company.  Her opinion is usually brought up during the debriefing.

Turn Off That Phone: 
Better yet, leave it in the car.  Turn it completely off so that you don't have it buzzing / vibrating when you recevie a text message or phone call.  No exceptions on this, folks.  There's no reason to have it on.  And no amount of excusing will remove the stain of having the phone ring while you're being interviewed.  Ok, you're now prepared for show-time.

Kathleen Lapekas - PHR
Action HR Consultant
For Personal Attention to Personnel Matters....


Monday, July 25, 2011

Phone Interviews

The Blind Date
A phone interview is essentially the first personal contact a job seeker has with the prospective employer.  Phone interviews are critical, critical, critical, critical, to the next step of getting in front of the employer.  You can blow it or you can ace it.  But either way, it's a deciding-point for the employer. 

So, job seekers, listen up!  This is very's some tips to help you ace the phone interview.

Research the business. 
Get (and read) information about the company ahead of time.  Review the job description (if it was posted on-line) to make sure you know the particulars about the position.  Don't be caught off guard with an ice-breaker question, "So, what do you know about our company?"  It's usually the first question I ask to test the candidate on their knowledge of the company.  I use it to help get the candidate talking.  I hate to hear back, "Well, I don't really know much about the company." 

Have questions prepared. 
Prepare ahead of time specific questions to ask the interviewer.  Questions are the best indicator of interest.  And, for the record, it's not appropriate to ask questions about pay and benefits at this point.  One of the best questions I liked however, was when someone asked me, "What do you love about working for XYZ company?"  or "What's been your experience with seeing the company change over the years you've been there?" or my favorite, "Would you say that this was the best company you've ever worked for?  Why/why not?"  These questions engage the interviewer on a personal-experience basis.  This will impress them, because they are asking for a deeper examination of the opportunity.  Other questions that would be appropriate would include:  "Can you outline the career path for growth within the company?"  "What are key performance indicators (KPI's) for this particular position -- how will my performance be evaluated and measured?"

Energy is HUGE.  Let me say that again.  Energy is HUGE.  You are on the phone.  Your voice has to be your presenter.  You need to have a high (not annoyingly) level of energy.  My ears can hear passion, energy and enthusiasm.  You need to walk around while you're on the phone (stay standing, walking and moving helps keep your energy high while you're talking).  Perfectly qualified candidates will blow it if their energy is too low, or they appear too laid-back on the phone.  Be happy you're on the phone with the company.  Smile:  the interviewer can hear your smile (I know that all sounds strange, but trust me, they can hear your smile).

Be succinct. 
Have your resume in front of you, and walk through your experience within 5 minutes.  Don't go on and on and on and on....this will quickly bore the interviewer.  Explain the reasons you decided to leave an employer.  If it's an unfavorable reason, such as, "I was fired" be truthful and briefly explain the circumstances.  I give a ton of credit to those who had LEARNED from the experience of being fired.  It means that they won't have to deal with that again, because they LEARNED something.  And be upbeat and positive about ALL your former employers.  Never bad-mouth an employer.  It's negative and suggests that you think negatively.  Who wants to hire a Negative Nellie?  Keep it positive, talk about what you've learned, how you were given exposure to opportunities / experiences.  But, be brief. 

Ask about next steps. 
When the phone interview is all done, it's a fair and pro-active question to ask.  "So, based on what you've heard today, what can I expect to happen next?" 

In my experience, you'll either get: 
  • "We have more candidates to interview at this time and we'll follow-up with you on the next steps (this probably means that you're not going to get the next interview....); or
  • "I'd like to check with ______ to look at his availability to also speak with you" (which probably is a good indicator that you're going to have another phone interview or face-to-face). 
Either way, thank them for their time.  Make sure that you end by expressing your interest in hearing back from them one way or the other. 

Kathleen Lapekas - PHR
Action HR Consultant
For Personal Attention to Personnel Matters....

Friday, July 22, 2011

Coverletters - How Important Are They?

Introductions, Please

A coverletter is a letter of introduction to the reader.  Its purpose is to state what the reader should expect to find in the body of the resume.  It should be well thought out, and well-written, because, as I've previously said, "Everything communicates something." 

The Appetizer
However, that being said, it is my professional opinion (with 17 years of HR) that coverletters are over-emphasized.  To use a metaphor, the resume is the meal, and the coverletter is the appetizer.  Absolutely, if you order an appetizer, you expect it to be well-prepared and not too heavy (afterall, you have a whole meal to fill you up).  When I have 300 resumes to sift through, to be honest, I don't initially even look at the coverletters.  I turn to the resume, review it for 2-4 seconds, and make a Go / No-go determination.  The coverletter I read when I've narrowed down to my top 10 or so.  The coverletter can help differentiate one person's resume from another -- if their skills / experience are neck-in-neck for the running.  So, it definitely can help in the race, but it's not what gets you in the line-up necessarily. 

Address It Personally
I've seen poorly written coverletters, and it's a turn-off.  For example, a coverletter that is addressed, "Dear Sir:" to me.  I'm not a Sir.  I have a name.  Find out my name, if you can, and address it to me personally, "Dear Ms. Lapekas."  If you have no way to find out my name, and you don't know my gender, then address it, "Dear HR Representative."  It's better than nothing, and it's better than "Dear Sir/Ma'am." 

Typos / Bad Grammar
Secondly, a turnoff is to see typos and grammatical errors.  This is a person's introduction of himself.  Of the quality of his work.  Spell-check is great, but it won't necessarily catch the wrong usage of "their, there, and they're."  If this is not your strength, then have a friend who's exceptional with grammar, take a look over your coverletter to ensure you've used correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling.  Because, to tell the truth, it could be the one thing that kills your chances.  There are too many people out there looking for work to blindly trust you're the only one, and you're the best -- if you coverletter communicates something differently.

Avoid Excessive Use of "I"
Thirdly, a turnoff is to see the excessive use of first-person, singular, "I."  I'll even take a little pencil and circle the number of times "I" is used on a coverletter.  The worst one I saw had 16 "I's" in 3 paragraphs.  Be creative and rework the sentence so that you can avoid using "I" as much as possible.  For example, "My experience includes...." or, "My background offers exceptional this position."  Look, I don't mind seeing "I" but it shouldn't be overused.

Include Your Contact Information
Remember to sign the coverletter, and have your phone number and email available on it as well.  Offer to invite the reader to call you (offer your cell and home number) or email you (offer your email) should they have further questions or would like to set up a time to meet.  Don't make your reader work hard trying to find where and how to contact you. 

Email Addresses (Faux Pas)
Oh, and a little free tip on email addresses:  Make sure you use a professional or neutral email handle.  I've seen some doozies, which communicate something that they shouldn't, about the person who's trying to get a position in my company.  For example, avoid using or  You may also want to design your email so that it doesn't give away your age.  Many times, people will put their year of birth or year of graduation or something like that in their email address.  For example,  I would guess that Bob's either 45, born in 1945, or even possibly had graduated in 1945.  Either way, it's not necessary to offer that up on the resume / coverletter. 

Kathleen Lapekas - PHR
Action HR Consultant
For Personal Attention to Personnel Matters...


Thursday, July 21, 2011

Tips on Good Resumes

Consider Your Reader

I coach a lot of people on the formatting of their resumes, and I'd like to share with you some of my best tips.
Before developing a resume, you have to consider your reader.  Your reader is an HR Manager (like myself) who has little more than a 2-4 second attention span to look through 300 resumes that have stacked up.  In 2-4 seconds (on the average), an HR Manager is weeding through piles of resumes.  Your resume is in that pile.  You have to get past the 2-4 second initial screen "hurdle." 

The "Go" or "No-Go" Piles
Because out of 300 resumes, an HR Manager's objective is to put them in either the "GO" pile, or the "NO-GO" pile.  What happens then is the 300 gets drastically cut down to about 30 resumes that are considered worth looking at more closely (sorry to say). 

Then the 30 get graded:  A's, B's, and C's.  The C's get booted out -- why would they hire a C-player?  The B's are set to the side in case the stack of A's is too small.  The A's are then ranked.  Let's say we have 10 A-player resumes.  The HR Manager may rank them 1-10. You see how it works.  It's a matter of having little time and having to manage through high-volume.  Your objective is to get in the A-pile.

"How do I do that, exactly?" you ask.  For starters, resumes should be easy to read

Easy To Skim Resumes Make The Grade
  • Don't Crowd!  Use of white-space is essential! 

  • Use bold to highlight key words, names of employers, job titles

  • Avoid using all caps unless it's a category name like:  EDUCATION.  All caps is hard to read quickly, unless it's a single word or two. 

  • Use key words to "pop" out at the top of the resume.  I liken this to a bill board advertisment.  Your bill board should have key words you want the reader to read first.  Things like, "AP / AR, Bookkeeping, Customer Service, Fund-Raising, etc."

  • Newest to Oldest:  Remember to identify work history in order of most current to oldest.  Keep in mind, as an HR Manager, I'm really most interested in what you've done over the past, say 10 years, than what you've done in the last 25 years. 

  • Include Months In Your Dates:  Regarding dates, if at all possible, put the months with the years.  For example, 02/2002 - 11/2010, instead of 2002 - 2010.  As the HR reader, I'll be able to see that you actually worked the majority of 2010, verses 1 month of 2010.

  • List Key Accomplishments: In the work history section, it's ok to explain a little about your responsibilities, but concentrate on your accomplishments (use numbers and key words to deliver your message).  Put these accomplishments in bullet-format.

One Page or Two?
Although you have probably heard that a resume should be condensed down to 1 page, I think this is far too anal.  I think if you're a college student with limited work history, then, yes, 1 page is appropriate.  However, if you're a seasoned professional with 20 years experience, then give yourself permission to have a 2-page resume.

It's a 50-50 on this.  If you have the "real estate" space to put your references on your resume and keep the resume down to 2 pages, then that's fine.  It may help you, especially if you're from the area where you're applying, because the HRM might recognize someone you've listed.  But, only list professional references -- not co-workers, but your former managers/supervisors, who can vouch for your work, skills, dedication, attendance, etc.  And only list these reference names/numbers/emails if you have cleared it with them ahead of time. 

Kathleen Lapekas - PHR
Action HR Consultant
For Personal Attention to Personnel Matters

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

How Can Social Networking Help or Hurt When I'm Looking for a Job?


This message is directed to anyone who has a Facebook or MySpace account for personal use. 

I enjoy Facebook.  I'm not a raving lunatic with Facebook, but I like to occasionally check out other people's blogs, comments and pictures.  Facebook is a great venue to connect and reconnect with people I've long since lost contact, and rekindle our friendships.  I enjoy looking at someone's page and seeing pictures they may have posted of themselves (now older, some balding, some heavier / some skinnier than I remember). 

A Permanent Record
Facebook (or MySpace) can be used to learn an awful lot about a person.  Imagine having access to uncensored, publicly-posted information about a person that never, never, never, never, never ever will be erased from permanent record.  Many people don't realize their security settings can help privatize access to their page, but it's not completely fool-proof.

So, how do this fit in to looking for a job?

Employers Are Looking At You
Employers know that many people can be found on Facebook, MySpace or other social networking sites.  And, at this point, 7/20/11, there are no laws precluding employers from looking at these social networking sites to find out all sorts of information about potential applicants or current employees.

Why, with just a few short key-strokes, I can check out the guy who sent me his resume for a Supervisor/Manager position.  On his resume's "Objective" he's indicated that he's a hard worker, dedicated to giving 110%, results-driven and commited to his work.  When I look at his Facebook page, pictures that he personally has posted, show up with him drunk and passed out on the lawn.  A picture says a thousand words.  And guess what, it will never, never, never, never, never, ever be erased from permanent record.

Employers may think twice about hiring the guy who's passed out on the lawn (as evidenced by his Facebook pictures).  Employers may be hesistant to hire the guy who makes derrogatory comments about gays/lesbians as part of an on-going blog to someone else's Facebook page.  Employers may be reluctant to hire the gal who posted pictures of she and her friends at a restaurant eating breadsticks in sexually-suggestive ways.

I subscribe to the belief that everything communicates something.  And therefore, looking at someone's Facebook page or MySpace page can communicate volumes to me about the applicant who left his resume on my desk an hour ago, applying for a high-profile position I'm trying to fill.

Kathleen Lapekas - PHR
Action HR Consulting
For Personal Attention to Personnel Matters...

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Creative Networking Tips

Since I've stated the obvious that networking with others is the most effective way to find out about jobs and to get the word out to the world that you're the right employee for them, I owe this blog some more tips.  I have thought of ways to get networking, and I'd like to share some of those thoughts.

Being Seen Is Key
Keep this little motto in mind:  "They'll see you if you're there, but they'll never miss you if you're not."  This quote I adopted from a dear friend who was talking with me about his philosophy of networking.  You have to be out and about.  You have to make the effort to network and go to events where networking happens. 

Taking this sage advice to heart, this means that job seekers need to go to networking events (as a visitor), like to the Chamber of Commerce, BNI, Rainmakers, Toastmasters, and other professional networking / power-circle groups.  Job seekers need to take several copies of their resumes when they go to these events, because there might be the right person there who would like to pass on your resume to their colleague.   

Go To A Coffee Shop
In addition, job seekers need to get out of the house.  I tell job seekers to get dressed as if they are going to work and go to Starbucks.  (Fine, if you want to do your on-line job searches from your laptop, but go do this at Starbucks on their WiFi). Why Starbucks?  Because business transactions occur at Starbucks. 

People in business go to coffee shops, like Starbucks, to discuss their business and do networking over a nice cup of coffee, like my favorite, Java Chip Frappuccino (no whipcream).  The point is, people in business, doing business, will actually see you there.  They will notice you.  You might just run into someone you know that's patronizing there.  You might just strike up a conversation about your job search.  You might find out that they just heard about a company looking for someone with your background.  They might just take your resume and drop it off at their own HR department.  You never know.  But, if they do, it hasn't cost you a thing (other than maybe a cup of coffee). 

Also, I think a great way to network is actually through serving others.  BNI, a business networking group I belong to, has a long-standing motto that says, "Givers gain."  This is very true.  Those who give, and give freely of themselves (without expectation of reciprocity) will invariably gain from their service to others.

Job seekers should volunteer their time and services to help local non-profit firms.  Charitable organizations are great for this venue.  They are usually looking for volunteers to help out.  They also happen to be excellent "connectors" to the community.  They have to make it their business to get to know others in the community and to build relationships.  If you, as a job seeker, volunteer to help out these organizations, you will find amazing connections that you never would've made.  In addition, these folks get to see and interact with you and can vouch for your character (and your tenacity with helping out on projects).    Consider volunteering your time and yourself, and you may find that it opens doors you never knew existed. 

Attend Any Training Workshop You Can
It would make sense to me to go to any and all available training workshops and seminars being conducted in the community.  Although the workshop may be not a direct connection to your line of work, guess who else goes to training owners, managers, supervisors, sales managers, so forth.  They go to these workshops for professional development.  Before the training, while on break, and after the training is done is a great time to network.  Job seekers should take their resumes with them for that serendipitous moment when you connect with the right person at the right time. 

Tap Into Your Current Network
If you're a member of a church, or PTA, or boyscouts (or girlscouts), or other groups where people meet, then tell the other members about yourself and about your skills/experience.  They might know someone who's looking for you, but didn't know you existed. 

"Advertise" Yourself On Facebook
Lastly, use your social networking tools (Facebook, MySpace or my favorite, LinkedIn) to let people know you're interests, skills and desire for job opportunities that meet well with your background.  Make sure, however, that your Facebook page does not have comments or pictures posted that may be a questionable reflection of you or your character.  I will discuss this again in a future blog. 

That's the power of networking.  Take advantage of the fact that 90% of the time you'll find a better job faster through the people who know people than you'll ever find in cyberspace.

Kathleen Lapekas - PHR
Action HR Consultant
For Personal Attention To Personnel Matters...

Friday, July 15, 2011

90% of Jobs Are Never Posted

Some folks I have coached have said, "It's depressing to think that most job openings are never posted.  How am I supposed to know what jobs are really out there?" 

It's Like Deep Sea Fishing
I like to compare on-line recruiting to deep sea fishing.  A business owner is looking for a sword fish.  He puts his bait (job posting) in the sea and the bait attracts a large number of fish, unfortunately, most of them are "carp."  They are not sword fish...they are carp.  They are not qualified for the position, but these carp feed off of every job in hopes that they'll be considered for "something" available.

Here's What Happens
As a recruiter myself, here's what I see.  I post a job opening on Friday morning or afternoon.  This gives candidates, particularly those who aren't working on the weekends, the opportunity to look at the jobs recently posted.  I will invariably receive over 200 resumes over the weekend, and by Monday morning, I remove the job opening.  It's too much.  I can't do a really effective screening of 200 resumes.  Instead, it's a weeding out process.  Try to narrow it down to the top 10.  So, the 190 resumes that were weeded out, unfortunately never hear anything back. 
On-Line Postings Age Quickly
I tell folks, (who do happen to use on-line searches), in many cases, a job that's been posted for longer than a week is already "dead."  It's been saturated with resumes.  You won't likely get even a look.  So, if you're going to consider applying on-line, which is still ok, just know that you have to hit it when the job is freshly posted, and make sure your resume stands out. 

"So," you ask, "if on-line job searches is somewhat a waste of time, then what's a better idea?"  Next time, I'll talk about the effectiveness of networking to find the next great job. 

Kathleen Lapekas - PHR
Action HR Consulting
For Personal Attention To Personnel Matters...

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Attention Job Seekers

Searching On-Line For Jobs?
I often coach people who are looking for a good job opportunity.  I find, almost without exception, that most of them have concentrated their time on an on-line job search strategy (that is, they've been hunkering down looking on-line for jobs).  The reality is, however, that this may be a very poor use of time. 

"What?  Are you serious?  Why is that?" you ask.

The Real Answer 
Because most jobs available are never posted.  Actually, I believe I've heard that about 90% of job openings out there are never posted.  Although I've not confirmed that number, I happen to believe it's not far off.  Most jobs are filled via word-of-mouth (otherwise known as "by referral"). 

So, with 10% of job openings posted (if that number were true), and most everyone looking for work is on-line looking at that 10% (tip of the iceburgh), it's no wonder that job seekers feel that their resumes go out into cyber-space and they never hear anything back. 

More to come.  I have some thoughts on how to focus on the other 90%.

Kathleen Lapekas - PHR
Action HR Consulting
For Personal Attention to Personnel Matters...